68 Countries and a Dream

Over the weekend, I got a chance to review reports and stats for Jokotade & The Jokotade Show. Along with my team, we discovered that Jokotade & The Jokotade Show are now in 68 Countries!! I was completely short of words and all I could say was "Thank You LORD!"

The Jokotade Show was really a leap of faith for me. I didn't study broadcasting in school, I am no journalist, neither am I a reporter, I was and still am just a zealous young woman with a passion to serve other women. I am passionate about young women living meaningful and maximum lives regardless of the many challenges we face and the many balls we have to juggle.  

"You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." - Martin Luther King

The fulfillment of a dream or idea, starts with only one step and I took that step. What about you? Pursue your purpose, get started now, you are only one step away!