How to Look Stylish Consistently - My Secret Style Plan


"Style isn't in price tags or prestige. Style is in the details and in diligent planning." - Jokotade

I have found that I always do better and present myself better when I diligently plan my style in advance.  This is definitely better than making last minute decisions or just simply throwing something on.

My Style Secret: I try to plan my outfits a month in advance (GOD willing).  

I have personally studied style icons, myself included - wink, and this is what I have found:

Along with other life plans, remarkable style icons often reference 2 other major plans:

  1. The first is a daily calendar of events or daily plan
  2. and the second is a style plan aka outfit/grooming plan

To become stylish consistently and ultimately become your own style icon, try this quick tip:

Try planning your outfits 2 to 4 weeks ahead.  

Decide on the following at the beginning of every month.

  1. Your hair style(s) for the month
  2. Your skin care routine for the month
  3. The events you'll be attending
  4. The appropriate or relevant attire for the events on your calendar

Having a STYLE PLAN helps you budget better!

Look over your event calendar and pair outfits with your events in advance.  This also helps you figure out what you may need to complete your outfit ahead of time.  How many times have you waited so late to decide on an outfit and then realized you didn't have the relevant clutch or pair of earrings or shoes etc?  How many times have you waited until the last minute and then found that your intended outfit didn't fit anymore?

In a future post I'll discuss how to shop ahead so you don't have to always do the 911/last minute shopping.  I think it's fair to say we all know what last minute shopping leads to: over spending, budget bursts, frustration and uneasiness.

If 2 weeks is too aggressive for you, start with 1 week and you'll see the tremendous results and peace of mind in this aspect of your life.

"A woman without a STYLE PLAN is a woman without a STYLE PURPOSE." Jokotade

LIKE OR COMMENT below, Happy Styling!