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The Collection

Title: Elegant Florals 2018

In this collection, I imagine nature speaks to us with lines.

I use simple, clean lines to amplify

the inspiring message of nature:

love, harmony, beauty and calm.


The Method


I conceive lines with natural pen and ink. Then I move to capture similar clean lines using my digital pen. Each line is thoughtfully hand-illustrated and assembled. The end result is polished.


Lagos Illustrated

Lagos Illustrated is a personal tribute to my place of birth - Lagos, Nigeria. Arguably the most populous city in West Africa, Lagos is an intriguing city that never sleeps. Following the fashionable life of a young fictitious couple - Mr. and Mrs. Williams, I seek to capture the heart, spirit, culture and life of modern day Lagosians with each hand-drawn illustration.


Lagos Illustrated

Fashion & Lifestyle Illustration featuring Mr. and Mrs. Williams